Sanctuary is where you go to get away from everything. A place or activity where you can totally unplug from the demands of work and life.

For some people, it’s working out. For others, it’s reading, listening to music, or playing with the kids. You know you’re engaging in a sanctuary activity when time flies and you don’t think about your stresses once.

We all recognize this intuitively, but relatively few people make it happen. They think, “I wish I could do more of what I want, but I can’t find the time.”

They recognize the benefits of unplugging and engaging in their sanctuary activity, but all their other stressors get in the way.

The key to making the most of sanctuary is simple… schedule it.

  • Decide how often you want to engage in your sanctuary activity
  • Write it on your calendar and treat it with the same gravity that you would an appointment with your best client
  • Because this IS an appointment with your best client… you

Keep these appointments and you’ll be surprised by how much easier everything else becomes.